Hello. Welcome to my Resources section where I plan to host articles unique to my tastes, both design related and personal. Each article will focus on a specific inspiration, creative process, or hobby. It could be as simple as a book or film suggestion, or an in-depth perspective on a design trend. Stay tuned...oh, and thanks for stopping by. —Ruben
Website Creative Brief
A website design brief is a detailed document that outlines the objectives, requirements, and...
Graffiti, Cyberpunk and their Influence on Modern Design
Graffiti culture and cyberpunk share a number of similarities, from their use of bold, futuristic...
Human-Centered Design and the DC Universe
Human-centered design is an approach that places the needs and desires of people at the center of...
10 Solutions to Increasing Revenue with Design
Here are 10 solutions to increasing revenue with design, bringing in more customers with branding,...
5 Useful Tips When Hiring a Designer
As a graphic and website designer, I understand how important it is to find the right designer for...
Freelancer Culture in the Design Industry: How to Pick One Designer Over Another
The design industry is a diverse field that encompasses a wide range of specialties, from graphic...
Design Flix and Chill
Documentary films and shows are a great source of inspiration and knowledge for designers. They...
Office Space – The Cubicle Complex
The 1999 comedy film Office Space has become a cult classic for its hilariously accurate portrayal...
Kehinde Wiley
Kehinde Wiley is a contemporary artist whose work has been widely celebrated for its provocative...
Hello, Pose – The Art of Jordan Nickel
Pose, also known as Jordan Nickel, is a contemporary artist and muralist from Chicago, Illinois,...
How I Escaped ‘The Matrix’
The Matrix is a movie that has influenced countless people since its release in 1999. It's a...